Category Archives: Electronics

Temperature Update

At this point I am monitoring the temperature in my office, our bedroom and outside.

The outside sensor is in a north east window and gets some sun in the mornings. It is a black sensor in clear tape (a cheap-o water resisting, not water proofing). This causes it’s temperature to spike when the sun is on it.

An attempted fix. I took a little foil packet from an Emergen-C and turned it inside out. This gives it a little shade, and a touch of reflectivity. Tomorrow AM I hope to see a slight mediation of the sun’s warming effect.

The hardware setup has changed a bit for the second and third sensors.

The second sensor is a Arduino UNO with a DS18B20 One Wire temperature sensor and a nRF24L01+ radio attached. The whole mess is connected to a RaspberryPI via a USB cable. The rPI listens for temperature data from the Arduino via the serial interface. It then sends the data to the remote server for processing. The Arduino also listens on the nRF24L01+ radio for data from other sensors and relays the data to the rPI.

The third sensor is a home brew stand alone Arduino-ish thing. It also has a DS18B20 and a nRF24L01+ attached. It collects the temperature and sends it to the second sensor/relay for processing.

The nice thing about the second and third sensors is that the Arduino side of things is basically the same. Just the software on the two differ. I have created a circuit board layout using Fritzing. I sent the board layout off to and am awaiting my freshly minted circuit boards. Once these show up I will assemble one and test it.

Then I will attempt to take a few pictures of the whole setup. Both the different iterations as well as the current semi-final state. That is also when I’ll post the code and Fritzing files, but for now my lunch hour is almost up and I need to get back to wrangling servers.


I added some enclosures around the electronics last night. Even with the temperature sensor outside the case it added 20 degrees Fahrenheit to the reading. I’ve been tinkering with the design a lot today, one of the benefits of Lego enclosures, and have decided that I want the sensor out of any airflow coming from the Arduino. Since this requires hardware modifications it will have to wait a bit more.

Temperature Graph Update

Today I added weekly, monthly and yearly graphs, as well as breaking the cron job into 3 different ones. One that runes every minute. An hourly and a monthly one.

I also learned that if you have a large dataset and you are using rrdtool to pull data from MySQL it can take a long time. This is completely understandable as rrdtool is optimized to use rrd (round robin data) files.

The last thing is that I had a few days where the temperature sensor could not reach the main server to insert data into the DB. This pointed out the need to cache the data locally then attempt to upload it, allowing for connection outages. This will be my next upgrade to the system.


I added another page today, or I should say the beginnings of one.

I have a home temperature monitoring project and this page is the beginnings of the documentation for it. In the future I hope to have more then just the temperature graph. Plans include schematics, pictures and code. Stay tuned for… something…

Temperature… The beginnings…

Pieces used:

  • Raspberry Pi.
  • Dallas 18B20 temperature sensor.
  • Prototyping board and random bits of wire.
  • Remote Debian server with a LAMP style setup

    The basic process flow:

    A cron job on the PI collects the current temperature from the 18B20 chip attached to the GPIO. It then inserts the temperature into a remote MySQL database on the big server. A cron job on the big server creates a PNG from the data using rrdtool. There is a link in the web directory to the PNG, which you see above.

    Here is the table creation commands.

    CREATE DATABASE temp_monitor;

    USE temp_monitor;

    CREATE TABLE `temp_data` (
    `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
    `unixtimestamp` int(11) NOT NULL,
    `temp_f` float NOT NULL,
    `temp_c` float NOT NULL,
    `sensor` varchar(25) NOT NULL,
    `adjusted` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (`id`)

    Here is the cron job on the rPI that reads the temp and sends it to the big server in the sky.


    import time;
    import httplib

    # Exampe temperature file output:
    # —————————————–
    # 77 01 4b 46 7f ff 09 10 6f : crc=6f YES
    # 77 01 4b 46 7f ff 09 10 6f t=23437
    # Config options:
    # Temperature “file”
    tempfile = “/sys/bus/w1/devices/”+device+”/w1_slave”
    outputfile = “/tmp/newtemps”

    # Get the temperature
    tfile = open(tempfile)
    text =

    # Split the text with new lines (\n)
    # and select the second line.
    secondline = text.split(“\n”)[1]

    # Split the line into words, referring to the spaces,
    # and select the 10th word (counting from 0).
    temperaturedata = secondline.split(” “)[9]

    # The first two characters are “t=”, so get rid of those
    # and convert the temperature from a string to a number.
    temperature = float(temperaturedata[2:])

    # Put the decimal point in the right place and display it.
    temperature = temperature / 1000

    # Convert to fahrenheit
    ctemp = temperature;
    temperature = 32 + ( temperature * 9 ) / 5

    # Get time
    ut = time.time()
    localtime = time.localtime(time.time())

    outline = ‘{} {} {} {} {} {} {}\n’ . format(localtime[0], localtime[1], localtime[2], localtime[3], localtime[4], localtime[5], temperature)

    ofile = open(outputfile, “a”)
    ofile.write( outline )

    # send the temp to the server
    conn = httplib.HTTPConnection( “”)
    conn.request(“GET”, “/sensor_input.php?c=” + str(ctemp) + “&s=28-00000441c8b3&t=” + str(ut))
    r1 = conn.getresponse()

    Here is the PHP code that accepts the data from the PI and stuffs it into the DB.

    // inputs:
    // Required:
    // c = temp in celcius
    // s = id of sensor providing the data
    // Optional:
    // t = unix time stamp. If this does not exist use NOW()

    function error_out() {
    print “Something is missing.&th;br>&th;pre>\n”;


    function clean($in) {
    return preg_replace(“/[^A-Za-z0-9\.]/”, ”, $in);

    if( isset( $_REQUEST[‘c’] ) ) {
    $c = clean( $_REQUEST[‘c’] );
    $f = ( ( $c * 9 ) / 5 ) + 32;
    } else

    if( isset( $_REQUEST[‘s’] ) )
    $s = clean( $_REQUEST[‘s’] );

    if( isset( $_REQUEST[‘t’] ) )
    $t = clean( $_REQUEST[‘t’] );
    $t = ‘NOW()’;

    // For some reason we periodically get two known bogus numbers
    // 185’f and 32.1116’f. So we are going to toss them out
    // even if on the off chance they were valid.

    if( $f == 185 or $f == 32.1116 )

    $query = “INSERT INTO temp_data ( unixtimestamp, temp_c, temp_f, sensor ) ” .
    ” VALUES ( $t, $c, $f, ‘$s’ )”;

    $link = mysql_connect(‘localhost’, ‘fakeUser’, ‘fakePassword’)
    or die(‘Could not connect: ‘ . mysql_error());

    mysql_select_db(‘temp_monitor’) or die(‘Could not select database’);

    // Performing SQL query

    $result = mysql_query($query) or die(‘Query failed: ‘ . mysql_error());

    And here are the cron jobs on the big server that creates the image.

    Runs every minute.


    cd /var/www



    rrdtool graph daily.png –imgformat=PNG –start=-1day –end=now –width=400 –height=200 \
    “DEF:temp_f=$F_BASE:min:AVERAGE” \
    “LINE1:temp_f#FF0000:Office” \
    “GPRINT:temp_f:MIN:Min\: %6.2lf” \
    “GPRINT:temp_f:AVERAGE:Avg\: %6.2lf” \
    “GPRINT:temp_f:MAX:Max\: %6.2lf” \
    “GPRINT:temp_f:LAST:Last\: %6.2lf” \
    “DEF:temp_c=$C_BASE:min:AVERAGE” \
    “LINE1:temp_c#00FF00:Remote” \
    “GPRINT:temp_c:MIN:Min\: %6.2lf” \
    “GPRINT:temp_c:AVERAGE:Avg\: %6.2lf” \
    “GPRINT:temp_c:MAX:Max\: %6.2lf” \
    “GPRINT:temp_c:LAST:Last\: %6.2lf”

    rrdtool graph weekly.png –imgformat=PNG –start=-1day –end=now –width=400 –height=200 \
    “DEF:temp_f=$F_BASE:min:AVERAGE” \
    “LINE1:temp_f#FF0000:Office” \
    “GPRINT:temp_f:MIN:Min\: %6.2lf” \
    “GPRINT:temp_f:AVERAGE:Avg\: %6.2lf” \
    “GPRINT:temp_f:MAX:Max\: %6.2lf” \
    “GPRINT:temp_f:LAST:Last\: %6.2lf” \
    “DEF:temp_c=$C_BASE:min:AVERAGE” \
    “LINE1:temp_c#00FF00:Remote” \
    “GPRINT:temp_c:MIN:Min\: %6.2lf” \
    “GPRINT:temp_c:AVERAGE:Avg\: %6.2lf” \
    “GPRINT:temp_c:MAX:Max\: %6.2lf” \
    “GPRINT:temp_c:LAST:Last\: %6.2lf”

    Runs every hour.


    cd /var/www



    rrdtool graph monthly.png –imgformat=PNG –start=-1day –end=now –width=400 –height=200 \
    “DEF:temp_f=$F_BASE:min:AVERAGE” \
    “LINE1:temp_f#FF0000:Office” \
    “GPRINT:temp_f:MIN:Min\: %6.2lf” \
    “GPRINT:temp_f:AVERAGE:Avg\: %6.2lf” \
    “GPRINT:temp_f:MAX:Max\: %6.2lf” \
    “GPRINT:temp_f:LAST:Last\: %6.2lf” \
    “DEF:temp_c=$C_BASE:min:AVERAGE” \
    “LINE1:temp_c#00FF00:Remote” \
    “GPRINT:temp_c:MIN:Min\: %6.2lf” \
    “GPRINT:temp_c:AVERAGE:Avg\: %6.2lf” \
    “GPRINT:temp_c:MAX:Max\: %6.2lf” \
    “GPRINT:temp_c:LAST:Last\: %6.2lf”

    Runs every day.


    cd /var/www



    rrdtool graph yearly.png –imgformat=PNG –start=-1day –end=now –width=400 –height=200 \
    “DEF:temp_f=$F_BASE:min:AVERAGE” \
    “LINE1:temp_f#FF0000:Office” \
    “GPRINT:temp_f:MIN:Min\: %6.2lf” \
    “GPRINT:temp_f:AVERAGE:Avg\: %6.2lf” \
    “GPRINT:temp_f:MAX:Max\: %6.2lf” \
    “GPRINT:temp_f:LAST:Last\: %6.2lf” \
    “DEF:temp_c=$C_BASE:min:AVERAGE” \
    “LINE1:temp_c#00FF00:Remote” \
    “GPRINT:temp_c:MIN:Min\: %6.2lf” \
    “GPRINT:temp_c:AVERAGE:Avg\: %6.2lf” \
    “GPRINT:temp_c:MAX:Max\: %6.2lf” \
    “GPRINT:temp_c:LAST:Last\: %6.2lf”