Remote Debian server with a LAMP style setup
The basic process flow:
A cron job on the PI collects the current temperature from the 18B20 chip attached to the GPIO. It then inserts the temperature into a remote MySQL database on the big server. A cron job on the big server creates a PNG from the data using rrdtool. There is a link in the web directory to the PNG, which you see above.
Here is the table creation commands.
CREATE DATABASE temp_monitor;
USE temp_monitor;
CREATE TABLE `temp_data` (
`id` bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`unixtimestamp` int(11) NOT NULL,
`temp_f` float NOT NULL,
`temp_c` float NOT NULL,
`sensor` varchar(25) NOT NULL,
`adjusted` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
Here is the cron job on the rPI that reads the temp and sends it to the big server in the sky.
import time;
import httplib
# Exampe temperature file output:
# —————————————–
# 77 01 4b 46 7f ff 09 10 6f : crc=6f YES
# 77 01 4b 46 7f ff 09 10 6f t=23437
# Config options:
# Temperature “file”
tempfile = “/sys/bus/w1/devices/”+device+”/w1_slave”
outputfile = “/tmp/newtemps”
# Get the temperature
tfile = open(tempfile)
text =
# Split the text with new lines (\n)
# and select the second line.
secondline = text.split(“\n”)[1]
# Split the line into words, referring to the spaces,
# and select the 10th word (counting from 0).
temperaturedata = secondline.split(” “)[9]
# The first two characters are “t=”, so get rid of those
# and convert the temperature from a string to a number.
temperature = float(temperaturedata[2:])
# Put the decimal point in the right place and display it.
temperature = temperature / 1000
# Convert to fahrenheit
ctemp = temperature;
temperature = 32 + ( temperature * 9 ) / 5
# Get time
ut = time.time()
localtime = time.localtime(time.time())
outline = ‘{} {} {} {} {} {} {}\n’ . format(localtime[0], localtime[1], localtime[2], localtime[3], localtime[4], localtime[5], temperature)
ofile = open(outputfile, “a”)
ofile.write( outline )
# send the temp to the server
conn = httplib.HTTPConnection( “”)
conn.request(“GET”, “/sensor_input.php?c=” + str(ctemp) + “&s=28-00000441c8b3&t=” + str(ut))
r1 = conn.getresponse()
Here is the PHP code that accepts the data from the PI and stuffs it into the DB.
// inputs:
// Required:
// c = temp in celcius
// s = id of sensor providing the data
// Optional:
// t = unix time stamp. If this does not exist use NOW()
function error_out() {
print “Something is missing.&th;br>&th;pre>\n”;
function clean($in) {
return preg_replace(“/[^A-Za-z0-9\.]/”, ”, $in);
if( isset( $_REQUEST[‘c’] ) ) {
$c = clean( $_REQUEST[‘c’] );
$f = ( ( $c * 9 ) / 5 ) + 32;
} else
if( isset( $_REQUEST[‘s’] ) )
$s = clean( $_REQUEST[‘s’] );
if( isset( $_REQUEST[‘t’] ) )
$t = clean( $_REQUEST[‘t’] );
$t = ‘NOW()’;
// For some reason we periodically get two known bogus numbers
// 185’f and 32.1116’f. So we are going to toss them out
// even if on the off chance they were valid.
if( $f == 185 or $f == 32.1116 )
$query = “INSERT INTO temp_data ( unixtimestamp, temp_c, temp_f, sensor ) ” .
” VALUES ( $t, $c, $f, ‘$s’ )”;
$link = mysql_connect(‘localhost’, ‘fakeUser’, ‘fakePassword’)
or die(‘Could not connect: ‘ . mysql_error());
mysql_select_db(‘temp_monitor’) or die(‘Could not select database’);
// Performing SQL query
$result = mysql_query($query) or die(‘Query failed: ‘ . mysql_error());
And here are the cron jobs on the big server that creates the image.
Runs every minute.
cd /var/www
rrdtool graph daily.png –imgformat=PNG –start=-1day –end=now –width=400 –height=200 \
“DEF:temp_f=$F_BASE:min:AVERAGE” \
“LINE1:temp_f#FF0000:Office” \
“GPRINT:temp_f:MIN:Min\: %6.2lf” \
“GPRINT:temp_f:AVERAGE:Avg\: %6.2lf” \
“GPRINT:temp_f:MAX:Max\: %6.2lf” \
“GPRINT:temp_f:LAST:Last\: %6.2lf” \
“DEF:temp_c=$C_BASE:min:AVERAGE” \
“LINE1:temp_c#00FF00:Remote” \
“GPRINT:temp_c:MIN:Min\: %6.2lf” \
“GPRINT:temp_c:AVERAGE:Avg\: %6.2lf” \
“GPRINT:temp_c:MAX:Max\: %6.2lf” \
“GPRINT:temp_c:LAST:Last\: %6.2lf”
rrdtool graph weekly.png –imgformat=PNG –start=-1day –end=now –width=400 –height=200 \
“DEF:temp_f=$F_BASE:min:AVERAGE” \
“LINE1:temp_f#FF0000:Office” \
“GPRINT:temp_f:MIN:Min\: %6.2lf” \
“GPRINT:temp_f:AVERAGE:Avg\: %6.2lf” \
“GPRINT:temp_f:MAX:Max\: %6.2lf” \
“GPRINT:temp_f:LAST:Last\: %6.2lf” \
“DEF:temp_c=$C_BASE:min:AVERAGE” \
“LINE1:temp_c#00FF00:Remote” \
“GPRINT:temp_c:MIN:Min\: %6.2lf” \
“GPRINT:temp_c:AVERAGE:Avg\: %6.2lf” \
“GPRINT:temp_c:MAX:Max\: %6.2lf” \
“GPRINT:temp_c:LAST:Last\: %6.2lf”
Runs every hour.
cd /var/www
rrdtool graph monthly.png –imgformat=PNG –start=-1day –end=now –width=400 –height=200 \
“DEF:temp_f=$F_BASE:min:AVERAGE” \
“LINE1:temp_f#FF0000:Office” \
“GPRINT:temp_f:MIN:Min\: %6.2lf” \
“GPRINT:temp_f:AVERAGE:Avg\: %6.2lf” \
“GPRINT:temp_f:MAX:Max\: %6.2lf” \
“GPRINT:temp_f:LAST:Last\: %6.2lf” \
“DEF:temp_c=$C_BASE:min:AVERAGE” \
“LINE1:temp_c#00FF00:Remote” \
“GPRINT:temp_c:MIN:Min\: %6.2lf” \
“GPRINT:temp_c:AVERAGE:Avg\: %6.2lf” \
“GPRINT:temp_c:MAX:Max\: %6.2lf” \
“GPRINT:temp_c:LAST:Last\: %6.2lf”
Runs every day.
cd /var/www
rrdtool graph yearly.png –imgformat=PNG –start=-1day –end=now –width=400 –height=200 \
“DEF:temp_f=$F_BASE:min:AVERAGE” \
“LINE1:temp_f#FF0000:Office” \
“GPRINT:temp_f:MIN:Min\: %6.2lf” \
“GPRINT:temp_f:AVERAGE:Avg\: %6.2lf” \
“GPRINT:temp_f:MAX:Max\: %6.2lf” \
“GPRINT:temp_f:LAST:Last\: %6.2lf” \
“DEF:temp_c=$C_BASE:min:AVERAGE” \
“LINE1:temp_c#00FF00:Remote” \
“GPRINT:temp_c:MIN:Min\: %6.2lf” \
“GPRINT:temp_c:AVERAGE:Avg\: %6.2lf” \
“GPRINT:temp_c:MAX:Max\: %6.2lf” \
“GPRINT:temp_c:LAST:Last\: %6.2lf”